
Reduce Chrome Memory usage using TooManyTabs extension

Google Chrome was one of the first browsers to have  multiple processes,  which creates a separate process for each tab.  That means  , if you have 5 tabs opened on your Chrome browser, then  you can see minimum 6 processes running in the task manager with the name of chrome.exe (5 for tabs and 1 for whole chrome). If you have installed extensions and plugins then they also have separate process for each of them. Chrome's this feature  occupies a lot of memory and hence might degrade the performance of your browser or your whole system. So there is an extension     named 'TooManyTabs' which can help to reduce chrome's memory usage.  Using TooManyTabs extension you can selectively choose inactive tabs to be suspended so that they do not occupy any memory space. Suspending a tab/link is similar to bookmarking, which store the tab in TooManyTab, but also closes the tab from your browser.  Read the...

How to hack/Bypass windows logon password [VIDEO]

Whatever the reason is, this article can help you to get into the Admin account of your Windows computer system even without knowing its password.  For this purpose we will use here a small utility called "Offline Windows Password & Registry Editor".   Offline Windows Password & Registry Editor This is a utility to reset the password of any user of your Windows system. Supports all Windows from NT3.5 to Win7, also 64 bit and also the Server versions (like 2003 and 2008) You do not need to know the old password to set a new one. It works offline, that is, you have to shutdown your computer and boot off a CD or USB disk to do the password reset. Requirements: Blank CD / USB Drive Follow the procedure below to reset/remove password 1. Preparing a bootable  "Offline Windows Password & Registry Editor"  CD/USB For CD:  Download this utility from  here . You will get a zip file > extract it....

Recover accidentally deleted data from your Computer, digital camera, or flash drive

This is the most common issue, that you have deleted some important files from your system, that you didnt actually want to.  Don't get nerves in such situation, coz  It is easy to recover deleted files. You can undelete files with almost guaranteed success. The most important thing is to act as soon as you realize that the files are lost. Because the operating system doesn't immediately re-use space from deleted files, a file can be recovered or unerased right after it has gone and for a considerable time afterwards. The sooner you try to recover your deleted files, the greater your chances of success. The longer you leave it the less chance you have of getting the data back because eventually some or all of the space that held your lost data will be re-used by another file. The chances of recovery also depend on how full your computer's hard drive is. Windows tries to avoid re-using disk space that has recently been freed, to give recovery software ...

Transform your Windows7 laptop into a Wi-Fi hotspot

In today's time, not even  every home has a laptop or computer, but every member of family also own separate laptops or any other device with internet connection. And everyone want to use internet, prefect if you have a Wi-Fi at home, but what if you have an Ethernet? For the same purpose, I remember the time when we bought a Ethernet switch to that every laptop connects using a cord, which solved the problem of connection laptops and computer. Luckily, my windows phone also connects to internet just by using a data cable plugged to a system with internet. But now when I have a iPad, i wanted an another solution as it does not have Ethernet port, through data cable also, it does not connect to Internet. So i was searching on web for some hardwares or softwares  to get Wi-Fi hotspot in my home   , and found a very awesome, easy and free way to do so, using the softwares  Connectify . Thanks to connectify, Now I dont get bo...

Trick to identify the celebrity without staring and blinking eyes..

Have you seen the illusion pictures that ask you to stare on the picture for some seconds and then blink your eyes to see the celebrity? Images below are the examples of such kind of illusion.  Stare at the image for 20 seconds, then look at the wall, blink your eyes fast and try to identify the celebrity. Well and good if you successfully identified, you have very sharp eyes ;) Anyways, here in this post, I am going to tell about a trick , so that you can see the celebrity in the picture without bothering your eyes much. 1. Whenever you see such picture, Press Windows logo key with Plus Sign or Minus Sign. It will open magnifier application. 2. Now Press ctrl+ alt+   I and voila, the celebrity of picture will become visible to you now.  ctrl+alt+I  is the shortcut for inverting the colors of photo.  3. In end, press Window key+ Esc to close the magnifier. KNOW MORE   How you can create your own 'stare and blink illusion...

How to create your own 'stare and blink illusion picture'

" Stare at the image then close your eyes, you will see Jesus."  When first time I saw such kind of mail, it was not less than a magic for me.  I  was like, 'Wow, i can see Jesus'. Yeah like many others, someone made me fool, but dont laugh, at that time I was new to computer world. but now I know the fact. This type of illusion has one another version, in which it ask you to stare at the image, then look at the wall and blink your eyes.   Probably, you have seen this type of illusion picture of some celebrities also. Like the following ones: How to create Negative Picture of an Image: It is very easy to create such type of pictures  ^    ^  . You can get such picture just by inverting the color which make it look like a negative of that image.   1. Invert Color of Picture: In Paint: - Open your Image in paint >> select all >> right click on image and choose Invert colors. In Photoshop:- Image >> ...

Software to identify if a photo has been altered/ photoshopped

But did you ever thought how the computer forensics dept. or any other federal agencies analyze if a photo is original or has been altered using any image editing software. There is a software named 'JPEGSnoop' that uses one of the all techniques implemented in computer forensics  that compares the JPEG quantification table to determine if any change has been made in a  photo using any image editing software.  Different cameras use different quantization tables. Adobe Photoshop and other image editing software also have their own distinct quantization tables. When a photo is opened up in an editing program, photoshop for instance, it re-codes the original quantization table into its own. This enables you to work with the image and alter it. However, when the image is saved, it is saved with the quantization table of the image editing program. As a result, software can tell if a photo has been run through Photoshop or came from a so...

AutoLike everything on a friend's Facebook wall

It happens many times that we 'like' everything on the facebook wall of our loved ones or our friends just to give them a little happiness, even without reading their status or watching the videos. ;) :P  There is a chrome plugin which can help you in such case by liking everything on your friends wall just in a single click. Isn't it good?  To use this chrome extension, all you need to do is the following: 1. Download and install chrome extension 'Facebook Like All' 2. After installation, you will see   an Like symbol in the top of the bar as shown below. 3. Now go to the wall of your friend, and click this like symbol, to like everything on his/her wall. Check out some more Facebook Tricks here . Enjoy Guyz....!!!!!!!!