Hack Firefox to turn it into a Password Stealer

In this Hack, we will do some simple changes in firefox's code so that it will never again ask for storing passwords but it will do store all the passwords Automatically without prompting you all times.
So anytime if your friend or any one else will do login using your system, their passwords will be saved automatically in your system.

To convert your firefox into stealer Follow these steps:

1. This trick works only with firefox 3.5.3, so  if you dont have this older version of firefox then first download it, remove other verion installed on your syste and then install firefox 3.5.3.

Download Firefox3.5.3

2. Go to this location "C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\components".

3. Here you will find many files of firefox. Find out file "nsLoginManagerPrompter.js" and open it with notepad.

4. Now replace all code of file "nsLoginManagerPrompter.js" with the following code and save it.

Enjoy it... will be back with some new stuffs...
