Puzzles to Test your Hacking Skills

Hello Friends,
Many readers of my site want to be a hacker.... and till then of course you have learnt many things.... So now its time to check your hacking Skills.

Here i am providing you link of some sites where you can test your hacking skills just by solving Puzzles.. Its really very itereesting and i am sure by solving these puzzles you will get some more knowledge also. In these sites, the Puzzles are arranges in many levels from easy to hard, So how much you are a gud hacker, depends on how many levels you do clear.

So I m telling here link of 4 Top sites. Try it, these are Fun and Challenging :) And share your Results and Experience here :)

  1. http://www.try2hack.nl/
  2. http://www.hack-test.com/index.htm
  3. http://www.elfqrin.com/hack/hackertest.html
  4. http://www.hackthissite.org/

No Risk No Gain....
